The unknown woman whom Reaper saw turns out to be Akasha, the Necris High Inquisitor who destroyed the colony and also leads the Necris forces. He explains that the Necris attack was masterminded by Liandri, who also turn some of the Krall, into Necris, controlled undead soldiers. Reaper is rescued by Othello and Jester and wakes up in the base of the Izanagi, a guerrilla force that fights against Necris and Axon, and he meets with the leader, revealed to be Malcolm, who also leads the Iron Guard as the Izanagi's army. Suddenly, he is caught in the explosion of an incoming rocket and passes out, but not before seeing an unknown Necris woman shooting a fallen soldier lying next to him. Reaper, the group's leader, advises his second-in-command warrior Othello and his sister Jester to destroy the orbital Necris blockade with a fighter, and orders team's sniper expert Bishop to provide cover as he swarms to save the colony. The colony is defenseless, but a group of Ronins arrives on the scene, defending the survivors. In the game's story, set in 2307, some years after the events of UT2004, a Necris attack occurs on a human colony located on an unknown planet, releasing armed Krall warriors upon the dwellers. In the campaign, players control members of the Ronin, while the Necris serve as the prime antagonists.
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The five playable factions are: Iron Guard, a team of human mercenaries led by former Tournament champion Malcolm the Ronin, a band of four survivors of a Skaarj attack on a human colony Liandri, a series of advanced humanoid robots custom-built or retrofitted for combat the Krall, a savage race of aliens formerly under the leadership of the Skaarj, returning from their initial appearance in the original Unreal and the team of Necris warriors who have undergone the process of the same name, making them stronger at the expense of replacing their biological processes with "Nanoblack", effectively turning them into undead soldiers (hence the team name). Unlike the prior Unreal Tournament games, the single-player campaign does not follow a plot based around the Tournament Grand Championship, and therefore several of the teams within Unreal Tournament 3 are not Tournament competitors.