The purpose of the images is to add some additional 'nice to know' information, but they are not directly related to the document's content, that's why I would like to have them in the marginpar.
If you are interested in more details, read the full article.I would like to add some small images into the marginpar. The essence is summarized in the following table. We wrote a comprehensive Blog post that compared Docear with Mendeley and Zotero and that should help you to decide which reference manager is best for you. Docear’s menu is hidden to maximize the space for your work. The next screenshot shows the draft of a new paper including some examples for LaTeX formulas, notes, formatted text, etc. In addition, bibliographic data for the selected annotation is displayed. The screenshot shows PDFs and annotations being sorted into the research categories a user created.

Go to PDF Quick Tools 'Drawboard PDF is an amazing app. A streamline online pdf experience for quick use. Feel free to read more testimonials, and after you have used Docear for a while, write your own testimonial (and yes, we also publish critical opinions). Easy-to-use markup tools Add and edit markups directly on your PDF Store and share documents with others Learn More Easy-to-access online PDF tools All the tools you’ll need to be more productive and work smarter with documents. Instead, most of our users are really blown away by how Docear helps them with their literature management. You will notice that the feedback is not the typically “yeah, great software, thx”. Look at the feedback that we received during the past years, it’s highly positive. DLib) and Docear (Bachelor/Master/PhD/Post-Doc) Students & PostDocs: We have open positions in Tokyo, Copenhagen, and Konstanz (2-24 months) Docear 1.2 Stable: PDF Metadata Improvements & Faster Monitoring Docear 1.2 Beta Release: PDF Metadata Improvements & New Add-On to Import ALL Highlighted text